But, india suggested to work on this agreement under kyoto protocol, as it was specifically made for reducing greenhouse gasses whereas, montreal protocol for ods. The implications to the montreal protocol of the inclusion of hfcs. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol. The montreal protocol center for climate and energy solutions. The montreal protocol phases out the production and consumption of these ozonedepleting substances. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol pdf epa. Montreal protocol and its implications for climate change. By comparison, in 2015, companies remained 8 % under the limit. With regularly updated versions available on the web and in hardcopy, the hfc primer quickly became an indispensable pocket reference for negotiators and policymakers working to amend the montreal protocol and reduce hfcs through parallel national and subnational action. Montreal protocol sustainable development knowledge. Fast action under the montreal protocol can limit growth of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs, prevent 100 to 200 billion tonnes of co2eq by 2050, and avoid up to 0.
There are also proposals on the table to phase out third generation fluorinated gases hfcs a move supported by a growing number of countries. These annual reports will include data on hfcs when the kigali amendment enters into force. Under the amendment, countries committed to cut the production and consumption of hfcs by more than 80 percent over the next 30 years. The use of hfcs as a product replacement cure, however, quickly found critique. They negotiated that amendment in several sessions over the past year, and adopted it last friday at the end of their 2016 meeting in continue reading cutting hfcs under the montreal protocol a few. One year ago, at their last meeting, the parties to the montreal protocol decided to proceed with negotiating an amendment to the treaty to limit hfcs. Hfcs, on the other hand, contribute to global warming and come under kyoto protocol. Should hfcs be dealt under montreal protocol or kyoto protocol. It schedules some actions until the middle 21th century, since the hcfcs phaseout in developing countries is programmed in 2040. The montreal protocol center for climate and energy. Report of the teap hfc and pfc task force, october 1999 page 2. Preserving montreal protocol climate benefits by limiting hfcs. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol july 2016 2015 along with the north american proposal.
Draft discussion paper amending the montreal protocol. Diplomats meeting in vienna plan a major step toward a deal under the montreal protocol to decrease the use of a potent greenhouse gas, in what could be the most significant measure to combat global warming since last years paris climate agreement. Pdf the importance of the montreal protocol in protecting. As we describe below, with no impending global controls on hfcs, inclusion of hfcs under the montreal protocol offers a path, starting in the short term, to preserve the climate benefits already achieved by this protocol. The amendment adds powerful greenhouse gases hydrofluorocarbons hfcs to the list of substances controlled under the protocol to be phased down. Eu contribution to the global phasedown of hfcs under the kigali amendment. The progress made by montreal protocol parties on addressing the challenges of managing hfcs under the protocol during the 37th oewg meeting in april is a sign that the parties are keen to reach an hfc agreement and that further progress will be made in the next round of negotiations in vienna in july. With negotiations under the montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer montreal protocol considering limits on hydrofluorocarbons hfcs as potent greenhouse gases, this paper examines past transitions during the relatively short, but dynamic history.
This information is used to ensure compliance with legal obligations under the montreal protocol. The montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer montreal protocol is an international agreement. The proposal includes binding reduction targets for all countries, and. Signatory nations acknowledged in the preamble that they are conscious of the potential climatic effects. Initially signed by 46 countries, the montreal protocol has nearly 200 signatories in 2017. This data is reported in accordance with article 7 of the montreal protocol and is called article 7 data. The montreal protocol is already set up to implement an hfc phasedown. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol july 2016 amendment proposal, they all call for an early freeze on hfc consumption and production for article 5 countries. Amending the montreal protocol to include a phase down of hfc emissions will benefi t the planet as well as the countries that produce and consume products that use hfcsthis includes the protocol s article 5. In addition, the montreal protocol has financially supported the phaseout of ods in developing countries through developed country contributions administered by. Scope of the briefing note in 2015, at their twentyseventh meeting, the parties to the montreal protocol decided in decision xxvii1 entitled ubai pathway on hf s to work within the montreal protocol to an hf amendment in 2016 by first resolving.
Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol october 2015 4 3. North american amendment proposal to phase down use of hfcs. India wants hfc phasedown under montreal protocol, seeks 15 years grace 18 apr, 2015, 05. Under kigali amendment, in all 197 countries, including india have agreed to a timeline to reduce the use. The parties to the montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer reached agreement at their 28th meeting of the parties on 15 october 2016 in kigali, rwanda to phasedown hydrofluorocarbons hfcs. Climate considerations are not new to the montreal protocol. Hfcs under the montreal protocol the kigali hfc amendment to the montreal protocol after 7 years of discussions at montreal protocol meetings, the 28th meeting of the parties mop28 to the montreal protocol, held in kigali, rwanda, in october 2016, has adopted an amendment for a global cap and reduction for hfc consumption and production on a.
There is increasing international support for action on hfcs under the montreal protocol. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol october 2015 executive summary the united states, canada, and mexico have proposed an amendment to the montreal protocol to phase down production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs and control byproduct emissions. The production and consumption of hfcs can most effectively be controlled under the montreal protocol. Current discussions under the montreal protocol trends in hfcs hfcs are growing rapidly as replacement for hcfcs hcfcs are remaining to be phased out under the mp 2030 and 2040 amendment proposals and hfc management parties are concerned not to cause adverse impacts on climate political support. Hfcs hydrofluorocarbons are a popular choice by refrigeration manufacturers of because they are deemed to be a likeforlike replacement substance for chlorofluorocarbons and hcfcs which are banned or being phased out under the montreal protocol. Benefits of 2015 hfc amendment ozone layer protection. The dubai pathway commits parties to work within the montreal protocol to an hfc amendment in 2016. Hfcs are commonly used alternatives to ozone depleting substances ods. With negotiations under the montreal protocol on sub. The montreal protocol has been both groundbreaking and complex for a number of reasons. With negotiations under the montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer montreal protocol considering limits on hydrofluorocarbons hfcs as potent greenhouse gases, this paper examines past transitions during the relatively short, but dynamic history of this international treaty. Andersen and durwood zaelke working paper overview developed to replace ozonedepleting substances that are being phased out under the montreal protocol, hydrofluorocarbons hfcs are used as refrigerants, as.
Should hfcs be dealt under montreal protocol or kyoto. Ozones cure is climates scourgenortheast states to ban. Under the montreal protocol all parties have accepted firm reduction commitments. A phasedown of hfcs under the montreal protocol is the best way to reduce the rapidly growing climate effect of these gases.
The montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer a protocol to the vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion. Montreal protocol sustainable development knowledge platform. Annexes b, c, e and f were added as amendments were made to the original montreal protocol. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol ozone.
Australias progress towards meeting its commitments under. For example, under the kigali amendment, annex f was added to include a list of controlled hfcs. Feb 24, 2012 as we describe below, with no impending global controls on hfcs, inclusion of hfcs under the montreal protocol offers a path, starting in the short term, to preserve the climate benefits already achieved by this protocol. Countries agree to use montreal protocol to cut hfcs for. Pdf preserving montreal protocol climate benefits by. Hfcs are in the same family of gases fgases, have similar chemical properties, and are used in the same sectors as chemicals already regulated by the montreal protocol. Primer on hfcs fast action under the montreal protocol can limit growth of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs, prevent 100 to 200 billion tonnes of co 2eq by 2050, and avoid up to 0. The montreal protocol european commission european union. The consumption and emissions of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs are projected to increase substantially in the coming decades in response to regulation of ozone depleting gases under the montreal protocol. Ods are regulated under the montreal protocol, while hfcs are currently included. In the 28 th meeting of the parties to the montreal protocol, negotiators from 197 nations have signed a historic agreement to amend the montreal protocol in kigali, a capital city of a tiny african country, rwanda on 15 th october 2016 as per the agreement, these countries are expected to reduce the manufacture and use of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs by roughly 8085% from their respective. Briefing note on legal aspects in the context of hfc management under the montreal protocol 1. It aims to phase out hydrofluorocarbons hfcs, a family of potent greenhouse gases by the late 2040s. A critical link in protecting climate and the ozone layer.
Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol july 2014. The united nations climate change conference that was held in bonn last week became a debating ground on whether hydrofluorocarbons hfcsthe climatedamaging refrigerant gasesshould be treated as short lived climate pollutants slcps under kyoto protocol or be phased out under montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Phasing down hfcs under the montreal protocol will prevent the emission of up to 100 billion tonnes gt of carbondioxide equivalent co 2eq. The montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Pdf preserving montreal protocol climate benefits by limiting hfcs. Pursuant to article 7 of the montreal protocol, canada submits annual reports to the ozone secretariat on the production and consumption of ods. But as they contribute to global warming, they became a target of the montreal protocol in 2016, with the kigali amendment. On october 15, 2016, with the united states leadership, 197 countries adopted an amendment to phase down hfcs under the montreal protocol in kigali, rwanda. Preserving montreal protocol with no impending global. Draft decisions approved by the implementation committee under the non compliance procedure for the montreal protocol at its fiftysixth and fiftyseventh meetings for consideration by the twentyeighth meeting of the parties to the montreal protocol. By using the montreal protocol to remove one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, parties. The united states, canada, and mexico have proposed an amendment to the montreal protocol to phase down production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs and control byproduct emissions. Technological change in the production sector under the montreal protocol. Hfcs under the montreal protocol the kigali hfc amendment to the montreal protocol after 7 years of discussions at montreal protocol meetings, the 28th meeting of the parties mop28 to the montreal protocol, held in kigali, rwanda, in october 2016, has adopted an amendment for a global cap and reduction for hfc consumption and production on a gwpweighted basis.
Department of state announces a joint north american proposal between the governments of the united states, canada, and mexico to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs under the montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Fast action under the montreal protocol can limit growth of hfcs, prevent 100 to 200 billion tonnes of co. Legislative and policy options to control hydrofluorocarbons. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol executive summary the united states, canada, and mexico have proposed an amendment to the montreal protocol to phase down production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs and control byproduct emissions. The real question now is whether parties will allow the montreal protocol to realize its full potential by permitting it to work as effectively for climate as it has for ozone recovery. Technological change in the production sector under the.
Under the kigali amendment, actions to limit the use of hfcs under the montreal protocol is expected to prevent the emissions of up to 105 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gases, helping to avoid up to 0. After 7 years of discussions at montreal protocol meetings, the 28th meeting of the parties mop28 to the montreal protocol, held in kigali, rwanda, in october 2016, has adopted an amendment for a global cap and reduction for hfc consumption and production on a gwpweighted basis. How to legally manage hfcs under the montreal protocol. The amendment will enter into force when the conditions indicated. It was agreed on 26 august 1987, and entered into force on 16 september 1989, following a first. Benefits of 2015 hfc amendment under montreal protocol pdf 11 pp, 344 k.
Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol july 2014 6 estimated consumption in other countries. Protocol has been under negotiation by the parties. Hfc phasedown the parties to the montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Parties on 15 october 2016 in kigali, rwanda to phasedown. Each proposal recognizes the differing transition capabilities of nonarticle 5 and article 5 countries, as evidenced in tables 4 and 5 below. Recent international developments under the montreal protocol. The montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer is considered the worlds most successful international environmental treaty.
For several years, the european union has promoted the insertion of enabling text within the awg lca track of the unfccc negotiations to confirm and support action on hfcs under the montreal protocol in addition to action under the unfccc. It was adopted by the 28th meeting of parties to the montreal protocol on 15 october 2016 in kigali, rwanda. One initiative being discussed is the phasedown of the super greenhouse gases hfcs hydrofluorocarbons under the montreal protocol. The montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer 1 preamble the parties to this protocol, being parties to the vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer, mindful of their obligation under that convention to take appropriate measures to protect human health and the environment against. You may need a pdf reader to view some of the files on this page. Acknowledgements hfcs, climate protection and the ozone layer 3. Under kigali amendment, in all 197 countries, including india have agreed to a timeline to reduce the use of hfcs by roughly 85% of their baselines by 2045.
Ods are regulated under the montreal protocol, while hfcs are currently included among the basket of six ghgs2 regulated under the kyoto protocol to the united nations framework convention on climate change hereafter referred to as the kyoto protocol. A phasedown of hfcs under the montreal protocol is the best way to. In order to follow and facilitate the hfc phasedown schedules contained in the kigali amendment, the parties. Data reporting under article 7 of the montreal protocol, including.
These recommendations are not binding on the participants, but merely seek to set out actions which stakeholders may consider to more effectively combat illicit trade in ods. Phasing down the use of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs nathan borgfordparnell, maxime beaugrand, stephen o. Hfcs became the replacement product of choice soon after countries began implementing the montreal protocol and are anticipated to grow in use. The only controlled substances in the original 1987 montreal protocol were in annex a. The phasedown of hfcs under the montreal protocol has been under negotiation by the parties. The montreal protocol regulates production and consumption and the unfccc regulates emissions, thus a phaseout of hfcs under the montreal protocol would not remove hfcs from the basket of ghgs regulated by the unfccc and in fact, it would make no change in the obligations of the parties to the unfccc with regard to hfcs. Briefing note on legal aspects in the context of hfc.
The united states, canada and mexico have submitted today a joint north american proposal to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs under the montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Hfc phasedown under the montreal protocol presented at the 30th openended working group of the parties to the montreal protocol in geneva, 1518 june 2010 canada, mexico and the united states of america. The ozonaction fact sheet kigali amendment to the montreal protocol. In november 1998, the parties to the montreal protocol in decision x16 requested the. In 2016, hfc consumption in the eu was the lowest since reporting started in 2007 and was already 14 % below the first limit for the eu under the montreal protocol s kigali amendment. Assumptions for establishing the baseline and projected consumption because hfcs have replaced hcfcs in many applications in. The importance of the montreal protocol in protecting climate article pdf available in proceedings of the national academy of sciences 10412. How technology transfer under the montreal protocol can help. Hcfcs for the purpose of calculating baselines, aggregated developed and developing country hcfcspecific consumption data as reported under article 7 of the montreal protocol are used to. Timeline for reporting of baseline data for hfcs by parties operating under paragraph. Hfcs, recognizing that the phaseout of ozonedepleting substances is resulting in a rapid increase in the use and release of high globalwarming potential hfcs to the environment, noting that for over twentyfive years the montreal protocol on substances that deplete the. Amendment to address hfcs under the montreal protocol.
Hfcs are chemicals used in air conditioning, refrigeration, foams and aerosols as replacements for many ozonedepleting substances that are being phased out under the montreal protocol. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol october 2015. Australia reports its consumption of bulk ods and hfcs on a calendar year basis. Ozone depleting substances legislation fluorocarbons. Article 5 under the montreal protocol through its networks of national ozone officers146 developing countries, clearinghouse and capacity. Under the protocol, nations phased out chlorofluorocarbons cfcs a class of compounds that were used mostly in aerosol sprays, refrigerants, foams and as solvents, and were damaging the protective ozone layer that shields the planet from harmful. In the context of international environmental treaties, the montreal protocol has seen. Benefits of addressing hfcs under the montreal protocol july 2014 executive summary the united states, canada, and mexico have proposed an amendment to the montreal protocol to phase down production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons hfcs and control byproduct emissions. The montreal protocol and its implications for climate change. The real question now is whether parties will allow the montreal protocol to realize its full potential by permitting it to work. Environmental protection agency epa implements the montreal protocol. This paper presents an analysis of potential benefits from.
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